22 research outputs found

    A map of white matter tracts in a lesser ape, the lar gibbon

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    The recent development of methods for constructing directly comparable white matter atlases in primate brains from diffusion MRI allows us to probe specializations unique to humans, great apes, and other primate taxa. Here, we constructed the first white matter atlas of a lesser ape using an ex vivo diffusion-weighted scan of a brain from a young adult (5.5 years) male lar gibbon. We find that white matter architecture of the gibbon temporal lobe suggests specializations that are reminiscent of those previously reported for great apes, specifically, the expansion of the arcuate fasciculus and the inferior longitudinal fasciculus in the temporal lobe. Our findings suggest these white matter expansions into the temporal lobe were present in the last common ancestor to hominoids approximately 16 million years ago and were further modified in the great ape and human lineages. White matter atlases provide a useful resource for identifying neuroanatomical differences and similarities between humans and other primate species and provide insight into the evolutionary variation and stasis of brain organization

    An open resource combining multi-contrast MRI and microscopy in the macaque brain

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    Understanding brain structure and function often requires combining data across different modalities and scales to link microscale cellular structures to macroscale features of whole brain organisation. Here we introduce the BigMac dataset, a resource combining in vivo MRI, extensive postmortem MRI and multi-contrast microscopy for multimodal characterisation of a single whole macaque brain. The data spans modalities (MRI and microscopy), tissue states (in vivo and postmortem), and four orders of spatial magnitude, from microscopy images with micrometre or sub-micrometre resolution, to MRI signals on the order of millimetres. Crucially, the MRI and microscopy images are carefully co-registered together to facilitate quantitative multimodal analyses. Here we detail the acquisition, curation, and first release of the data, that together make BigMac a unique, openly-disseminated resource available to researchers worldwide. Further, we demonstrate example analyses and opportunities afforded by the data, including improvement of connectivity estimates from ultra-high angular resolution diffusion MRI, neuroanatomical insight provided by polarised light imaging and myelin-stained histology, and the joint analysis of MRI and microscopy data for reconstruction of the microscopy-inspired connectome. All data and code are made openly available

    Quantitative blood flow measurement in rat brain with multiphase arterial spin labelling magnetic resonance imaging

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    Cerebral blood flow is an important parameter in many diseases and functional studies that can be accurately measured in humans using arterial spin labelling (ASL) MRI. However, although rat models are frequently used for preclinical studies of both human disease and brain function, rat CBF measurements show poor consistency between studies. This lack of reproducibility is due, partly, to the smaller size and differing head geometry of rats compared to humans, as well as the differing analysis methodologies employed and higher field strengths used for preclinical MRI. To address these issues, we have implemented, optimised and validated a multiphase pseudo-continuous ASL technique, which overcomes many of the limitations of rat CBF measurement. Three rat strains (Wistar, Sprague Dawley and Berlin Druckrey IX) were used, and CBF values validated against gold-standard autoradiography measurements. Label positioning was found to be optimal at 45°, while post-label delay was optimised to 0.55 s. Whole brain CBF measures were 109 ± 22, 111 ± 18 and 100 ± 15 mL/100 g/min by multiphase pCASL, and 108 ± 12, 116 ± 14 and 122 ± 16 mL/100 g/min by autoradiography in Wistar, SD and BDIX cohorts, respectively. Tumour model analysis shows that the developed methods also apply in disease states. Thus, optimised multiphase pCASL provides robust, reproducible and non-invasive measurement of CBF in rats

    STAT3-mediated astrocyte reactivity associated with brain metastasis contributes to neurovascular dysfunction

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    © 2020 American Association for Cancer Research. Astrocytes are thought to play a pivotal role in coupling neural activity and cerebral blood flow. However, it has been shown that astrocytes undergo morphologic changes in response to brain metastasis, switching to a reactive phenotype, which has the potential to significantly compromise cerebrovascular function and contribute to the neurological sequelae associated with brain metastasis. Given that STAT3 is a key regulator of astrocyte reactivity, we aimed here to determine the impact of STAT3- mediated astrocyte reactivity on neurovascular function in brain metastasis. Rat models of brain metastasis and ciliary neurotrophic factor were used to induce astrocyte reactivity. Multimodal imaging, electrophysiology, and IHC were performed to determine the relationship between reactive astrocytes and changes in the cerebrovascular response to electrical and physiological stimuli. Subsequently, the STAT3 pathway in astrocytes was inhibited with WP1066 to determine the role of STAT3- mediated astrocyte reactivity, specifically, in brain metastasis. Astrocyte reactivity associated with brain metastases impaired cerebrovascular responses to stimuli at both the cellular and functional level and disrupted astrocyte-endothelial interactions in both animal models and human brain metastasis samples. Inhibition of STAT3-mediated astrocyte reactivity in rats with brain metastases restored cerebrovascular function, as shown by in vivo imaging, and limited cerebrovascular changes associated with tumor growth. Together these findings suggest that inhibiting STAT3-mediated astrocyte reactivity may confer significant improvements in neurological outcome for patients with brain metastases and could potentially be tested in other brain tumors

    Neurovascular and neuroimaging effects of the hallucinogenic serotonin receptor agonist psilocin in the rat brain.

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    The development of pharmacological magnetic resonance imaging (phMRI) has presented the opportunity for investigation of the neurophysiological effects of drugs in vivo. Psilocin, a hallucinogen metabolised from psilocybin, was recently reported to evoke brain region-specific, phMRI signal changes in humans. The present study investigated the effects of psilocin in a rat model using phMRI and then probed the relationship between neuronal and haemodynamic responses using a multimodal measurement preparation. Psilocin (2 mg/kg or 0.03 mg/kg i.v.) or vehicle was administered to rats (N = 6/group) during either phMRI scanning or concurrent imaging of cortical blood flow and recording of local field potentials. Compared to vehicle controls psilocin (2 mg/kg) evoked phMRI signal increases in a number of regions including olfactory and limbic areas and elements of the visual system. PhMRI signal decreases were seen in other regions including somatosensory and motor cortices. Investigation of neurovascular coupling revealed that whilst neuronal responses (local field potentials) to sensory stimuli were decreased in amplitude by psilocin administration, concurrently measured haemodynamic responses (cerebral blood flow) were enhanced. The present findings show that psilocin evoked region-specific changes in phMRI signals in the rat, confirming recent human data. However, the results also suggest that the haemodynamic signal changes underlying phMRI responses reflect changes in both neuronal activity and neurovascular coupling. This highlights the importance of understanding the neurovascular effects of pharmacological manipulations for interpreting haemodynamic neuroimaging data

    Covalent assembly of nanoparticles as a peptidase-degradable platform for molecular MRI

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    © The Author(s) 2017. Ligand-conjugated microparticles of iron oxide (MPIO) have the potential to provide high sensitivity contrast for molecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, the accumulation and persistence of non-biodegradable micron-sized particles in liver and spleen precludes their clinical use and limits the translational potential of MPIO-based contrast agents. Here we show that ligand-targeted MPIO derived from multiple iron oxide nanoparticles may be coupled covalently through peptide linkers that are designed to be cleaved by intracellular macrophage proteases. The synthesized particles possess potential characteristics for targeted MRI contrast agents, including high relaxivity, unappreciable sedimentation, clearance from circulation and no overt toxicity. Importantly, we demonstrate that these particles are rapidly degraded both in vitro and in vivo, and that the targeted probes can be used for detection of inflammation in vivo using MRI. This approach provides a platform for molecular MRI contrast agents that is potentially more suitable for translation to humans

    Sensitivity of Multiphase Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labelling (MP pCASL) Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Measuring Brain and Tumour Blood Flow in Mice

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    Brain and tumour blood flow can be measured noninvasively using arterial spin labelling (ASL) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but reliable quantification in mouse models remains difficult. Pseudocontinuous ASL (pCASL) is recommended as the clinical standard for ASL and can be improved using multiphase labelling (MP pCASL). The aim of this study was to optimise and validate MP pCASL MRI for cerebral blood flow (CBF) measurement in mice and to assess its sensitivity to tumour perfusion. Following optimization of the MP pCASL sequence, CBF data were compared with gold-standard autoradiography, showing close agreement. Subsequently, MP pCASL data were acquired at weekly intervals in models of primary and secondary brain tumours, and tumour microvessel density was determined histologically. MP pCASL measurements in a secondary brain tumour model revealed a significant reduction in blood flow at day 35 after induction, despite a higher density of blood vessels. Tumour core regions also showed reduced blood flow compared with the tumour rim. Similarly, significant reductions in CBF were found in a model of glioma 28 days after tumour induction, together with an increased density of blood vessels. These findings indicate that MP pCASL MRI provides accurate and robust measurements of cerebral blood flow in naĂŻve mice and is sensitive to changes in tumour perfusion

    Improved Detection of Molecularly Targeted Iron Oxide Particles in Small Animals with High Resolution MRI

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    Authors: Paul Kinchesh, Stuart Gilchrist, Niloufar Zarghami, Alexandre A Khrapitchev, Nicola R Sibson, Veerle Kersemans, Sean C Smart. High resolution multi-gradient echo (MGE) scanning is typically used for detection of molecularly targeted iron oxide particles. The images of individual echoes are often combined to generate a composite image with improved SNR from the early echoes and boosted contrast from later echoes. In 3D implementations prolonged scanning at high gradient duty cycles induces a B0 shift that predominantly affects image alignment in the slow phase encoding dimension of 3D MGE images. The effect corrupts the composite echo image and limits the image resolution that is realised. A real-time adaptive B0 stabilisation during respiration gated 3D MGE scanning reduces image misalignment and improves detection of molecularly targeted iron oxide particles in composite images of the mouse brain. Respiration gated MGE 3D scans were performed to visualise molecularly targeted MPIO in a BALB/c mouse model of acute neuroinflammation. Data were acquired with and without B0 stabilisation for comparison. The slow phase encode image dimension runs in the left-right direction of the brain. It is particularly instructive to inspect the registration of image data by selecting an axial slice and scrolling through the acquired echoes. The echoes can be summed to form a simple composite image. The data in this archive demonstrate that high resolution imaging for the detection of molecularly targeted iron oxide particles in the mouse brain requires good stabilisation of the main B0 field so that the composite image resolution reflects the prescribed image resolution. Data were acquired on a 9.4 T 160 mm horizontal bore VNMRS preclinical imaging system equipped with 100 mm bore gradient insert (Varian Inc, CA) and are available for 6 mice. The *.nii files are NIfTI-1 formatted image files, http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/ ImageJ is a suitable viewer, http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/ M#_compensatedXXX.nii: Mouse #, B0 stabilisation of a XXX Hz frequency drift. M#_uncompensatedYYY.nii: Mouse #, a YYY Hz frequency drift without B0 compensation. # = [1,6